Monday, September 10, 2012

Welcome to Kilimanjaro Challenge

Hello and Welcome!

We are excited and honored that you have taken the time to come check out our blog.  Kilimanjaro Challenge is the name we've selected for an exciting event that we've been fortunate enough to take on.  In January 2013, Deb, Greg, Therese, and Justin will be joining a group of six others to travel to Africa, visit Tanzenia, and climb to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro.  We are beyond excited for the opportunity and hope to share with you some of our training activities and other experiences as we prepare for the journey, make the trip itself, and return to tell the story.

Perhaps as exciting as the opportunity to travel abroad and challenge our physical abilities and limits, is our commitment to simultaneously have a positive effect on the local community that we will be visiting at the base of Mount Kilimanjaro.  The trip is part vacation, part adventure and part service project and charitable cause.  We have committed ourselves to empower others by raising funds to support economic development in this community.  We will also be collecting teaching and learning supplies to donate to the community to enhance educational opportunities for its children.

We will be posting additional information regarding the charitable orgranization that our trip is affiliated with in future posts, but for now we would simply like to encourage you to consider the ways in which you are able to help us achieve our goal of bringing much needed resources to this community. 

Please join us in embracing, meeting, and completing the Kilimanjaro Challenge. 

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